We’re not a traditional four-year college; we’re a non-profit college focused on career-specific training.* Our students are people who want to pursue their education in a more personalized setting.
PG电子游戏的课程侧重于你所在领域所需的技能,并由在你将要学习的行业有直接经验的教师授课. 了解更多关于PG电子游戏校园的历史.
你正在寻找一所大学或技术学校,可以帮助你有一个新的开始,帮助你准备一个新的职业生涯吗?* 在PG电子平台跟PG电子游戏谈谈.
A member of our admissions team will consult with you to identify a program or field of interest. We have more than 29 degree 和 diploma programs to choose from, 和 several are available online. 请注意,并非每个校区都提供所有课程. 向你的招生代表咨询详情.
有关入学要求的更多信息,请访问 校园目录.
PG电子平台 does not require st和ardized testing scores for admission. 你不需要提交SAT, ACT或AP成绩. 此外,不需要IB考试成绩.
PG电子平台 does not offer early or conditional acceptance to the college. Once a prospective student meets the requirements for admission, they are admitted at that time.
获得你之前学习学分的评估, 你可以要求从你以前就读的机构寄一份正式的成绩单给PG电子平台.
Please contact our 招生 Office for further guidance 和 support.
PG电子平台提供虚拟招聘会, 与同学和教员的在线会议, 还有各种各样的课外活动. 每个校区都有自己的活动清单. If a student is interested in membership in professional associations or clubs, he or she can meet with the 校园 Dean to discuss 和 arrange for such memberships or to learn more.
有关课程开始日期的更多信息,请访问 校园目录.
Staff 和 faculty members conduct one or more orientation sessions for new students. Orientation sessions generally provide information on program schedules, 校园政策和程序, 学生经济援助责任概述*, 就业服务处提供的服务, 学生行为准则, 以及其他学生可能感兴趣的问题. 信息 regarding orientation will be communicated out to students.
这取决于你的入学计划. 由于未来就业机会或实习的监管性质,一些项目可能需要免疫接种. 有关您的入学计划的具体信息,请联系您的招生代表.
PG电子平台可以接受某些认可学院和大学的学位课程的学分转换. Transfer credits are also accepted for degree 和 diploma programs from other PG电子平台 campuses.
学分的接受是基于对所选课程的适用性,并由校园教育主任或校园校长酌情决定. 可接受的学分转换, 学生必须有从授予学分的学院或大学直接寄到校园的正式成绩单. Transfer credits will not be accepted unless the student obtained a minimum grade of "C."
如果被转移的学分是学期学分, 然后它们将被转换成季度学时,按一个学期学时等于一个半季度学时的比率计算. 不超过学位课程毕业所需总学分的50%可以通过转学分完成, unless the transfer of credit is from one PG电子平台 campus to another, 在这种情况下,可以转让50%以上. 某些州的规定可能会限制可以转移到某些项目的学时数.
学费的多少取决于你选择的课程. 也, 请记住,你的学费不会在你注册后增加,除非你中断了你的课程,并在以后的日期返回.
符合条件的学生可以获得经济援助. We'll work closely with you on a plan to help finance your studies, 包括申请联邦, 状态, 以及其他补助金, 奖学金, 和贷款. 请与招生或金融服务代表联系,了解更多细节和资格限制.
If you've previously been enrolled 和 activated at a campus 和 have dropped or been dropped, you may be eligible to re-enroll if you meet the following criteria:
PG电子平台承认残疾人参与并受益于所提供的教育项目的权利. The campus does not discriminate against persons with disabilities who satisfy admission requirements, 和 it provides physical accommodations for disabled students including, 但不限于, 残疾学生停车场, 轮椅通道, 以及校园公共区域的可达性.
必要时,并有充分的通知, 学校将努力为残疾学生提供合理的便利,使他们能够参加学校提供的课程. 更多的细节可以在校园目录中找到.
Some PG电子平台 campuses are authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. There are no additional tuition 和 fee charges for foreign students. 然而,经济援助可能无法获得. Please contact the Director of 招生 at the campus of your choice for more information.
No, PG电子平台 和 its campuses do not operate their own housing facilities, 他们也不认可或监督任何特定的住宅小区.
您可以在删除/添加期间添加一个或多个课程. 您可以在退选/加选期间退选一门或多门课程, 不记录成绩,不收取学费. 如果你在减课/加课期后退课, you'll be charged tuition for that course 和 will receive a grade as follows:
The drop/add period is the same as the activation period, 和 it applies to all programs.
如果您在您想参加新课程的学期的drop/add期结束之前联系注册办公室,您就有资格更改课程. You'll be required to complete a new Application 和 Enrollment Agreement if you do so. 也, 要知道,改变专业可能会使你没有资格获得经济援助,或者可能会减少你有资格获得的经济援助金额. 更多细节见校园目录.